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  Safe Sport Tools for Coaches, Athletes and Parents

Every coach and supporter in our gym has taken Safe Sport Training for Direct Athlete contact and Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders, at a minimum and many have taken additional courses of their own accord. Trail Gymnastics strives to ensure a safe and supportive sport environment for all participants, both youth and adult. 

Flag Tool for Sport

Do you ever wonder if a behaviour is okay or not?

This anonymous tool can help you figure it out and give you ideas about what to do next. We won’t share your answers with anyone or collect any information about you.


There are many tools available to facilitate a culture of safe sport.  The following resources and materials are a great place to start.


Whether you are directly involved with athletes or play another role in national sport, the CAC’s Safe Sport Training will give you the tools to recognize, prevent and address maltreatment in sport.

SafeSport Gym Education     SafeSport Gym Education is a collaboration among gymnastics organizations across Canada. A dedicated group showing their support and effort to educating athletes, parents, and coaches about what safe sport means in a way that is positive and engaging.

Gymnastics BC: Report a Concern/Submit a Complaint

 A reporting person who files a GymBC Complaint Submission Form must do so with no malice and/or information known to be false, fabricated or retaliatory in nature. Complainants must have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed does indeed indicate a violation. Knowingly submitting a false or malicious report will be considered harassment.

There will be no retaliation of good faith reports that turn out to be unsubstantiated. No complainant shall suffer retaliation or harassment as a result of their report.

Canadian Centre for Child Protection

Commit to Kids: Foundational Information for Safeguarding Children from Sexual Abuse is for individuals who work with children looking for foundational information on child sexual abuse, or those looking to refresh their knowledge on the topic.

Parents who have children in child-serving organizations may also find the content relevant.

Guidelines for adults interacting with children in sport

Sport offers incredible experiences and opportunities for children. These experiences are integral to communities and enhancing child development. Positive experiences are tied to healthy relationships between athletes and coaches, as well as to safe environments where there are clearly established guidelines for professional boundaries between adults and children. As such, the purpose of these guidelines is to establish a common understanding of expectations for adults interacting with children in sport, and a sense of safety for those who need to bring forward any concerns of misconduct towards children.

Respect in Sport for Parents and Activity Leaders

The Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program educates youth leaders, coaches, officials and participants (14-years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). Our Activity Leader and Parent Programs are the Safe Sport Canada solution!



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